Concept of Marriage


Marriage is the socially accepted pattern in which two or more people create a family. It covers the right to conceive and rear children. However, it also includes a number of obligations and privileges that can affect a lot of people.

The true meaning of marriage is acceptance of a new position with a set of privileges, obligations, and recognition by others. Legal marriage creates a legal status and a set legally recognized rights.

Marriage is the oldest institution socially recognized. It is vital for the procreation process and satisfying our sexual urges. Different societies have different ways of marrying. In some societies, a male can only marry one female while in others, a woman may have more than one spouse. Some societies don't allow women to marry more than one man, while other societies do not permit them. Some cases, the parents organize the marriage while others, the boys or girls do so.

Definition of marriage: Marriage is the term used to describe social relationships between husband and wife or among multiple mates. Also used in the ceremony of unifying marital partners.

Selection of Mates:

It is the process of finding a husband or wife by both man and woman. There are two ways to do it:

Exogamy A person marries outside their group, caste religion, class, or race. It is known as exogamy. Modern times see this type of marriage a lot.

Endogamy When someone marries within their group, caste religion, class, or race. This is called endogamy. This type of marriage is most common in the rural areas,

Form of marriage

Different societies have different views on the acceptance of marriage and social recognition. We find many different types of marriages because of this. These are the main types and characteristics of marriage Brides.

Monogamy A single person is allowed to wed once.

Polygamy is Man or woman can get married more than once.

Polygyny It is legal for a husband to have more than one woman at a time.

Polyandry One woman may marry to more than one person at a given time.

Fraternal Polyandry: In which a woman is considered the wife of all the male brothers and their offspring are considered the son/daughter.

Nonfraternal polyandry This form allows a woman to have more than one spouse.

Group marriage Brothers are required to marry together with their sisters.

Experimental marriage: The couple should be allowed to meet and mix freely before they marry.

Marriage between castes: A man marries an Indian woman within a particular caste. Similar to India.

Annuloma: The act of allowing men of higher castes to marry women of lower castes, is known as anuloma.

Pratiloma The act of a woman of higher caste marrying to a man of lower castes, is known as Pratiloma.

Hypergamy & Hypo-gamy A man who is a member of the nobility may marry a woman lower in social status. Hypogamy occurs when a woman of higher social standing marries a man of lower socio status.

Sororate marriage If your wife has died. After the wife's death, the husband marries her sister.

Levirate marriage When the husband dies. After the death of the husband, the wife marries his brother.

Marriage by Elopement: When a boy and a girl run away from their parents and marry without their parents' consent. They may marry in court, or at another location.

Compassionate Marital: Dissolution of marriage by mutual consents.

Arranged marriage: A marriage is only arranged with the consent of both parents.

Love Marriage: A system that allows the youth to choose their partners in life is known as love marriage.

Swara Marriage It is a common union in Pukhtoon society.


Marriage functions


Social Recognization: Marriage offers social recognition for all sexual relations, which would otherwise cause many social problems. Only marriage can make society accept the relationship between boy/girl as husband/wife.

Children's Procreation: This is another function of the marriage. Children born in a socially accepted marriage are legal heirs to all the family property.

Sense Of Sympathy: The husband and wife, as well as their children, develop a sense for one another and begin to share in each others' joys. They will sacrifice for one another.

Foundation of Family: A second function of marriage, it is the foundation of family life. We all know that once a marriage has been completed, the family is created and the virtues that come with it are reflected in society.

Relationship stability: Once marriage is complete, all relationships can be established. Relationships of husband and wife or son or daughter, father or mother in laws, grand father or grand mother, etc. These relations stabilize with the passing of time, but not before marriage.

Perpetuation and Preservation of Lineage: Only after marriage can there be a desire for the family name to be perpetuated. The children inherit the name of their parents. Next comes grand children, great grandchildren, and so on. There is an urge to preserve the family's lineage after a certain time. If there aren't any offshoots at any stage of the family, then all efforts are made to get them.



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